Ziddu is a great site. It is a ptu site, which means that you get paid to upload files. You can upload as many files as you want, and it is totally free. You will get paid every time someone download one of your files. The files can be up to 200 mb large. What's so great about the site is that you will have a place to upload and then share your files with anybody, and you will also get paid for it. A couple of weeks ago i considered registering on a site that offers you the exact same thing, just without the part of making money. I am glad i did not sign up to that other site, because
ziddu is the best of the kind. Because you actually get paid for doing something i thought i had to pay for. When i first heard of this i was blown away, and i registered 5 seconds after. You may think that you wont earn a lot, but you can just stick wtih the site and use it to store and share your files. And then in a while maybe you will have made some extra revenue from it.
Sign up now!
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