Tuesday, February 7, 2012

So how do you make money from ptc sites?

First of all, a ptc site is a site that pays you to click ads. The site normally gets the ads from another member who want other people to see their sites or products. And if you register on a ptc site, you can also advertise, but not for free.

How do you earn
If you click all ads on one site for a month, and the site has many ads available. Then you might get about 2-3 dollars a month. That is just not enough for me and not for you. So my first tip is not to register on just one site, register on 5-15 sites. Then you will earn10-45 dollar a month. That is not so bad, but it will be very boring and a lot of people quit this in under one month. So, on to the next.

If you refer other people to the site, then you will earn ca$h every time they do. You wont earn a lot, but you will earn a certan percent, and that is forever. On most of the sites you can have unlimited referrals. Which again means unlimited income ;). This leads us over to the big question, how to get referrals?

Start earning from PTC sites in 3 easy steps

1. Which are the best PTC sites?
Click the link above to read my reviews. These sites are the best ones, they are guaranteed legit and has been online for quite a while. Clixsense, Bigincomebux, Cashubux and Neobux. Those are the absolute best PTC sites. You may want to register on more, but you should take water in over your head. Don't think that you are going to earn some extra and register on like 100+ sites. You wont earn more from that! You should spend your precious time on getting referrals. I would be grateful if you could use my links (the ones on this site). So when you have registered on about 5 sites you are ready to move on to the next step.

2. Getting referrals -
This is clearly the largest and most important question. This is the best and only way to earn from ptc sites. I have another post which describes in-depth how to get referrals and you should read it if you want to success with PTC. Referrals are the keys to success with PTC sites.

 3. Sit back and earn from your hard work
If you by now have followed my two earlier steps you should be on a good way to start earning money from PTC sites. Now it is time to relax and extract the money from your hard work. But you should never stop getting referrals, because the more you have, the more you earn. Enter every day on the downline builders and keep blogging on your blog.

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