First of all, do never sign up to a site or program that promises huge earnings. All of them will of course promise some, but dont sign up to the ones that promise you 2000 dollars a day, or a full time job. If you are considering joining a sit/program search around on the internet first. I always tend to search the name of the site and "scam", "legit or "review" before i sign up. This is very important to not sign up to scams, if a site is a scam. Many other will probably have been scammed before you, and some of them may have posted it on the internet. So always remember to search first.
And then when you have found a good site, do not invest early. I have a simple rule, do not invest unless you have been paid. If you follow that simple rule you are one step closer to not beeing scammed. You should not rent referrals either. Do not spend any money on a site before it pays you. Me myself have done this several times, but now i have learned of my mistakes.
Lastly, you should start your ptc career with the stable veteran sites, like
clixsense, neobux, ptcbox, linkgrand and all those. They are trusted, and therefore safe to sign up to. I also recommend a few other sites, which are not veteran sites, but trusted. Like
marihuanabux or even